Travailing for souls


If any minister can be satisfied without conversions,
he shall have no conversions.

It is only when our heart breaks to see men saved,
that we shall be likely to see sinners' hearts broken.

After all, God does not give conversions to eloquence, but
to heart. The power in the hand of God's Spirit for
conversions is heart coming in contact with heart.

He is pleased to use the yearnings, longings, and
sympathies of Christian men, as the means of compelling
the careless to think, constraining the hardened to feel,
and driving the unbelieving to consider.

I have little confidence in elaborate speech and polished
sentences, as the means of reaching men's hearts;
but I have great faith in that simple-minded Christian
woman, who must have souls converted or she will weep
her eyes out over them; and in that humble Christian who
prays day and night in secret, and then avails himself of
every opportunity to address a loving word to sinners.

The emotion we feel, and the affection we bear,
are the most powerful implements of soul-winning.
God the Holy Spirit usually breaks hard hearts
by tender hearts.