Bad dogs!

From Spurgeon's, "The Great Arbitration Case"

Which of you would keep a dog, which, instead
of fawning upon you, would bark at you, fly at
you, and tear you in his rage?

Some of us have done this to God- we have
perhaps cursed him to his face, laughed at
his gospel, and persecuted his saints.

You would have said of such a dog, "Let it die!"
Why should I harbor in my house a dog that
treats me thus?

Yet, hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth!
God has borne with your evil ways, and he
still cries, "Refrain!" He puts the lifted thunder
back into the arsenal of his dread artillery.

I wish I could state the case as I ought. My lips are but
clay; and these words should be like fire in the sinner's
soul. When I meditated upon this subject, I felt much
sympathy with God, that He should have been so ill treated!

And whereas some men speak of the flames of hell as too
great a punishment for sin, it seems ten thousand marvels
that we should not have been thrust down there long ago!