What does our church need?

(James Smith, "Good seed for the Lord's field!" 1856)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio

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"Our gospel came to you not simply with words-but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction." 1 Thessalonians 1:5

"We have," said one pastor, "the gospel regularly preached, the prayer meetings are continued, the church is in peace-but very few souls are converted to God! What does our church need?"

It needs the presence and power of the Holy Spirit! For unless the Holy Spirit works-your minister may preach, your church may meet-but no real good will be done! God's work is carried on, not by might nor by power-but by the Spirit of the Lord Almighty. It is the Spirit who must . . .
   open the heart,
   quicken the soul, and
   sanctify the person!

And if the Spirit works-then the feeblest ministry is efficient, and the smallest church prospers!

All the success that followed the preaching of Peter and the labors of Paul, was from the Holy Spirit. Therefore Paul says, "God gave the increase." Then the church felt her need of the Spirit; she realized her dependence on that divine Agent; she prayed with faith, fervor, and importunity for the blessing; and God answered her prayers, and filled His servants with the Holy Spirit and with power!

But now-a-days, we merely talk of the Spirit-rather than feel our need!
We boast of our instruments-rather than realize our dependence on the Almighty Agent!

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Something to ponder:

"The wonder of the grace of God is that He can take an unholy man out of the unholy world, and make that man holy. And then put him back into the unholy world and keep him holy!" Leonard Ravenhill