When I die I shall then have my greatest grief and my greatest joy

(J.C. Ryle, Christian Leaders of the Last Century)

William Grimshaw was, above all, a man of rare humility. Few gifted men, perhaps, ever thought so humbly of themselves, or were so truly ready to honor others.

"What have we to boast of?" he once said. "What do we have, that we have not received? Freely by grace we are saved. When I die I shall then have my greatest grief and my greatest joy: my greatest grief that I have done so little for Jesus; and my greatest joy that Jesus has done so much for me. My last words shall be, "Here goes an unprofitable servant!"

On his deathbed he said, "Alas! what have my wretched services been. I have now need to cry, at the end of my unprofitable course: God be merciful to me a sinner!"

Shortly after, laying his hand on his heart, he said, "I am quite exhausted; but I shall soon be at home, forever with the Lord-a poor miserable sinner redeemed by His precious blood!"