Who knows the power of God's anger?

(Ralph Venning, "The Plague of Plagues!" 1669)

God always acts like Himself—like a God. When He shows mercy—it is like the God of all grace who is rich in mercy and loves with a great love.

In the same way, when He executes wrath and vengeance—He makes bare His arm and strikes like a God!

"Who knows the power of God's anger?"
Psalm 90:11

None but the damned!

"If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left—but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God!" Hebrews 10:26-27.

It is a terrifying a thing to fall into the hands of the living God, when He acts like a God of vengeance! How dreadful a thing then would it be to be in Hell itself—under the tortures of His executed wrath forever?

A stone thrown from a weak arm will not hit very hard—but when the hand and arm of God shall throw down that wrath from Heaven which is now only threatened against ungodly men, and turn them into Hell—how will it sink them deep into Hell!

I cannot go any further without pleading with you. Do you need anything more to dissuade you from going on in sin, which is the way to damnation—than the thought of damnation, and such a damnation, which is the wages of sin? For your soul's sake, hear and fear!

What! Will you be damned?
Can you think calmly of going to Hell?
Have you no pity on your precious soul?

If you were to go from reading of Hell—into Hell—you would surely say, "I would not believe it—but now I feel it!"

"It is Mine to avenge—I will repay! It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God!" Hebrews 10:30-31