Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me!

(J.R. Miller, "Miller's Year Book--a Year's Daily Readings")  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio

(You will find it helpful to listen to the audio above, as you read the text below.)

"Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me! But He said to me: My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in your weakness!" 2 Corinthians 12:8-9

Many prayers which seem to be unanswered, are really answered. The blessing comes, but in a form we do not recognize. Instead of the very thing we sought, something better is given!

The burden is not lifted away, but we are sustained beneath it.

We are not spared the suffering, but in the suffering we are brought nearer to God, and receive more of His grace.

The sorrow is not taken away, but is changed to joy.

Our ignorant prayers are taken into the hands of the great Intercessor, and are answered in ways far wiser than our thought!

Instead of earthly trifles--heavenly riches!

Instead of things which our poor wisdom sought--things God's infinite wisdom chose for us!

Instead of pleasure for a day--gain for eternity!

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Something to ponder: 
"When we eat an apple, we usually first cut out the blemishes, then eat what is good, and lastly throw the core away. Such a rule I would observe in reading human authors--the best may be defective, and the wisest may be mistaken. We are not only permitted, but enjoined, to call no man master." John Newton