The experience of this union

("The Marvelous Riches of Savoring Christ,
The letters of Ruth Bryan
" April 30, 1857)

"And you are complete in Him." Colossians 2:10

Truly, my dear friend, we should be learning more and
more how completely He has saved us in Himself, and
how constantly He delights in us with all His heart, so
that we have no need to seek for anything in ourselves
to make us more entirely accepted or more loved.

"He cannot love us more, nor will He love us less; for
in loving her (His Church, His Bride,) He loves Himself."

Viewing us in Himself, He ever says, "You are absolutely
beautiful, my darling, with no imperfection in you!" And
the response of faith and love is, "He is altogether lovely!"
(Song of Songs 4:7, 5:16)

The experience of this union releases the soul from
a host of cares and anxious thoughts.