Like a passing scene in a drama!

(Archibald Alexander, 1772-1851)

Let the worldlings have the world, and make the most
of it! I will never envy their prosperity, for it is but for a
moment, and then, like a passing scene in a drama,
disappears forever! Their feet stand on slippery places,
and in due time their steps will slide! And then, all their
music, their mirth, and their wine will cease forever! And
when they sink, they will rise no more. They plunge into
a horrible abyss, where no ray of hope ever enters!

Oh, their end, their dreadful end!

"Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay. In time their
 foot will slip, for their day of disaster is near, and
 their doom is coming quickly!" Deuteronomy 32:35