"Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God."
– 1 Thessalonians 1:4

(the following is by Don Fortner)

This blessed, glorious, doctrine of election is one
of the most delightful doctrines of the gospel.

What does the Word of God teach about election?
Election is "in Christ."
Election is "unto salvation."
Election is an act of God's pure, absolute, sovereignty.
Election took place in eternity.
Election's source and cause is God's eternal love
for his people.
Election is an act of free, unconditional grace.
Election is God's personal choice of specific sinners
to eternal life in Christ.
Election is irreversible.
Election is effectual.
Election is distinguishing (Isa. 43:1-4).
Election is the cause of all blessedness.

Who are the elect?
The elect are people who hear and receive the Gospel.
The elect are those who are called by the effectual,
irresistible power and grace of the Holy Spirit.
The elect are those who follow Christ.
Chosen sinners, when saved by the grace of
God, are made disciples, followers of Christ,
voluntary servants of King Jesus.
The elect are a people who are committed to
Christ and the Gospel of his grace.
The elect experience repentance and conversion
by the power of his grace. They turn from their
idols to serve the living God.