by Spurgeon

"He sends forth his commandment upon earth:
 His word runs very swiftly" (Psalm 147:15).

No language ever stirs the deeps of my nature like the Word of
God, and none produces such a profound calm within my spirit.

As no other voice can,
it melts me to tears,
it humbles me in the dust,
it fires me with enthusiasm,
it fills me with pleasure,
it elevates me to holiness.

Every faculty of my being owns the power of the sacred Word.

It sweetens my memory,
it brightens my hope,
it stimulates my imagination,
it directs my judgment,
it commands my will, and
it cheers my heart.

The word of man charms me for the time,
but I outlive and outgrow its power.

It is altogether the reverse with the Word of the King of kings;
it rules me more sovereignly, more practically, more habitually,
more completely every day. Its power is for all seasons--for
sickness and for health, for solitude and for company, for
personal emergencies and for public assemblies.

I had sooner have the Word of God at my back than all the
armies and navies of all the great powers, aye, than all the
forces of nature; for the Word of the Lord is the source of
all the power in the universe, and within it there is an infinite
supply in reserve.