Jesus, the Enthroned King

by J. C. Philpot

In our past Meditations we have, though in scanty measure and with feeble pen, attempted to set before our readers a few leading features of that surpassing grace and glory which the Lord Jesus Christ bears as anointed of the Father to be the interceding High Priest and the teaching Prophet of his Church and people. We now approach the consideration of that still greater and more glorious title which he wears as Zion's enthroned King.

But O, at the very outset, how unworthy, as well as unable, do we feel ourselves to be to set forth in any suitable, any befitting manner the glory of that exalted Sovereign who sits at the right hand of the Father as Head over all things to the Church! When the sun veils its rays behind a cloud we can look upon its milder glories with undazzled eye. But who can gaze on its meridian beams in all their undimmed splendor? Thus when the Son of God veiled the brightness of his eternal glory by assuming a tabernacle of flesh, faith can view him as a suffering yet sacrificing High Priest in the garden and on the cross with undazzled, though with sympathizing, eye. In a similar way, when Jesus still speaks as a Prophet in the word of his grace—"Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart," faith can now sit at his feet and hear his words without being overwhelmed with his glory.

But when we look up and attempt to view him sitting at the right hand of the Majesty on high in all his exalted dignity and power as King of kings and Lord of lords—then we feel as if dazzled and overborne with a sight and sense of his surpassing glory. In the days of his flesh, the beloved disciple could lean on the bosom of Jesus and stand by his cross; but when in Patmos' lonely isle he appeared in his majesty so that "his eyes were as a flame of fire," and "his countenance was as the sun shines in his strength," John fell at his feet as dead! Yet if he has made us willing in the day of his power, has brought us to his feet in all humility to touch the scepter of his grace and own him Lord of all, we may, in company with his saints, "speak of the glory of his kingdom and talk of his power, to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom." (Psalm 145:11, 12.) And as we have undertaken to set forth the covenant characters of the Lord Jesus, we must not now sink under the sense either of his glory or of our own insufficiency, and throw aside our pen as we are tempted to do, but endeavor, as the Lord may enable us, to trace out what is revealed to us in the word of truth of his present dignity as Zion's exalted King.

But as we desire to present the subject before the mind of our readers with as much clearness and distinctness as possible, we shall arrange our views and Meditations upon it in the following order:

I. The eternal purpose of God the Father to glorify his dear Son, and exalt him as Lord and King.

II. The execution of this purpose in the incarnation, death, resurrection, ascension, and glorification of the Son of God.

III. The nature, object, extent, and duration of his kingdom.

IV. Its future development and glorious manifestation.

V. The practical and experimental bearing and influence which the royal power and authority of Jesus have on believing hearts.