Let your daily history

Winslow, "The Glory of the Redeemer in His People"

every corruption to His sanctifying grace;
every burden to His omnipotent arm;
every sorrow to His sympathizing heart;
every need to His overflowing fulness;
every wound to His healing hand;
every sin to His cleansing blood; and
every deformity to His all covering righteousness.

Live upon Jesus for spiritual supplies;
live upon Him for temporal supplies.

Go to Him in dark providences, that you may be kept from sinking;
go to Him in bright providences, that you may be kept from falling.

Go to Him when the path is rough, that you may walk in it contentedly;
go to Him when the path is smooth, that you may walk in it surely.

Let your daily history
be a traveling to Jesus empty,
and a coming from Jesus filled.
Taking to Him....
the corruption, as it is discovered;
the guilt, as it rises;
the grief, as it is felt;
the trial, as it is experienced;
the wound, as it is received.