A chastening God!

From Spurgeon's, "The Mediator--The Interpreter"

If you always enjoy sermons, the minister is not a good steward.

He is not acting wisely who deals out nothing but sweets.

God's people need that the word should at times be medicine
to them, and we do not always enjoy medicine.

The word is as fire, and the iron does not like the fire;
yet it is needful to its melting.

It is as a hammer, and the rock does not love the hammer;
yet it is needful to its breaking.

Experiences which are painful may be
therefore all the more profitable.
That which makes us hate sin is a thing to be valued.

I beg you, after this manner read the dispensations
of God with you-- When He chides, He loves;
when He chastens, He shows fatherly affection;
and when He scourges, He receives into unique familiarity.

Do not therefore run away from a chastening God!
If fear drives you away, let faith draw you near.

He means your highest good.
Never doubt it.

Steadfastly believe that His heart loves,
even if His face frowns!