A showy and expensive style of living

(John Angell James, "Christian Fellowship" 1822)

"Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud
and not to trust in their money, which will soon be gone.
. . . Tell them to use their money to do good. They should
be rich in good works and should give generously to those
in need, always being ready to share with others whatever
God has given them." 1 Timothy 6:17-19

It is the incumbent duty of rich Christians, to consecrate a
large portion of their affluence, to upholding the cause of
truth. Let them, in order to abound more and more in such
efforts, as well as to exhibit a bright example of pure and
undefiled religion, avoid all unnecessary worldly conformity,
and all expensive modes of living.

There is, in the present age, a disposition, even in professing
Christians, to a showy and expensive style of living, which
cannot be more effectually repressed, than by the plain and
simple habits
of those who are known to have an easy access
to all the elegancies and splendors of life.

Rich Christians ought to be far more anxious to give--than
to hoard their fortunes. When we enter their mansions and
see magnificence in every room, luxury on every table; when
we see their extravagant dress and decor, we cannot help
saying, "How much ought a disciple of Jesus, who lives in
this manner, to give away to the cause of Christ, before
he is justified in such an expenditure!"

In short, the VICES to which rich Christians are more
particularly exposed, and against which they should
vigilantly guard, are . . .
  love of money,
  worldly conformity.

The VIRTUES to which they are called to exercise are . . .
  gratitude to God;
  humility and meekness to men;
  frugality and temperance towards themselves;
  liberality, together with tender sympathy to their
poorer brethren; and a generous regard to the support
of the cause of pure religion and general benevolence.