Is any spot too low for me to creep into and lie in?

(J. C. Philpot, "The Precepts of the Word of God")

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of
God." (1 Peter 5:6.) I am here directed and enjoined to
humble myself under the mighty hand of God. But can I do
so? No, I cannot! I may make the attempt. I may fall on my
knees, confess my sins, put my mouth in the dust--at least
do all this in words. But can I produce in my soul . . .
  that solemn humbling of my whole spirit before God,
  that self-loathing,
  that self-abhorrence,
  that brokenness and contrition of heart,
  that lying at His feet with weeping and supplications,
  that giving up of myself into His hands,
without which all my humbling of myself is but lip service?
No! I can do none of these things! I am so thoroughly
destitute and helpless that
I cannot produce one grain
of real humility in my own soul.

But let the Holy Spirit graciously work upon my heart;
let Him fill me with a deep sense of the mighty hand of
God over me and under me; let Him humble me in my
inmost soul as the very chief of sinners; let my heart
be broken and my spirit made contrite under a sight
of my sins; and a sight, too, of the life and sufferings
and death of my dear Redeemer--how then, can I not
humble myself under the mighty hand of God?

Is any spot too low for me to creep into and lie in?

Where are my pride and self-righteousness now?

Does not sweet humility fill and possess my soul?