The cup!

(Newman Hall, "Leaves of Healing
 from the Garden of Grief" 1891)

"Shall I not drink the cup the Father
 has given Me?" John 18:11

The hand that presented the bitter cup to Jesus
was the hand of Him whom the Sufferer addressed
as 'Dear Father'. Love decreed the cup!

Christians must not think that the bitterness of the
given to them is any sign of diminished love in
their Father who gives it. "Whom the Lord loves He
chastens." He says, "I have loved You with an
everlasting love." By love He first drew us to Himself;
and ever since He has held us by 'cords of love.' Love
daily feeds us with heavenly manna and living water.

Love . . .
  ordains every struggle to strengthen us,
  lights every furnace to purify us,
  mingles every bitter cup to heal us.

Such confidence in our Father's love should render
easy submission to His will. We may confidently
surrender our own will to that of our Father, whose
infinite resources are at the service of infinite
, and say with our Elder Brother, "May Your
will be done. Shall I not drink the cup the
Father has given Me?