How ravishing is the thought!

"A Song Concerning Lovingkindnesses" #1126,
delivered on August 10th, 1873 by C. H. Spurgeon

"Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love!
 Therefore with loving kindness have I drawn you."
    Jeremiah 31:3

How ravishing is the thought of eternal love!
Try to drink it in--if you are a believer in Christ
you were loved before time began its cycles; in
that old eternity, before the earth was born, you
were beloved of the Lord!

You were dear to Jehovah’s heart when this great
world--the sun, the moon, the stars, slept in the
mind of God--like unborn forests in an acorn-cup.

He loved you with an everlasting and infinite love.
Rejoice in this and let your souls be glad. Never
forget that the special electing love of God is
the source of every blessing.

"Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love!
 Therefore with loving kindness have I drawn you."
    Jeremiah 31:3