The pig?

(Thomas Reade, "Christian Meditations")

"A pig that is washed goes back to her
 wallowing in the mud."  2 Peter 2:22

The pig, though washed, was a pig still.

The outward washing could not change
the inward propensity of the animal.

Is it not so with multitudes of baptized
people? Outward reformation must never
be confounded with inward regeneration!

"And when people escape from the wicked
ways of the world by learning about our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ and then get tangled
up with sin and become its slave again, they
are worse off than before." 2 Peter 2:20

The hearts of such people were never renewed,
their natures were never changed. This they
proved by their return to the propensities of
their natural hearts.

"A pig that is washed goes back to her
 wallowing in the mud."  2 Peter 2:22